Monday, June 29, 2009

Cindy's gets down to business


Books = Possibilities said...

Way to go, Cindy!

It's amazing that all those puppies were inside that little dog!

Aarynn (and I'm sure Lily, too) was very excited to be there when the puppies were born!

Sara said...


Devin Bird said...


You left a comment on my Bird Family history blog. I'm anxious to share information I have on the Bird family with you. I have much more but don't do such a good job at updating my blog as I should.

I've heard some great stories about your grandma Rhoda Beardall from Dean Bird, Rhoda's nephew still living in Springville, Utah.

Also, my email address is If you have anything pics, histories, etc about the Bird side of your family, I would certainly appreicate having a copy.

Take care,

Devin Bird
Springville Utah